Be nice picture – Reverse engineer

This is a reverse engineering project. I will analyze this image by focusing on repetition, alignment, proximity, contrast and finally color. This image is gotten from and it’s used to promote self improvement “Be nice pictures


This organization helps bring beauty in the form of pictures. This is a quote from their website “LoveThisPic is a place for people to come and share inspiring pictures, quotes, DIYs, and many other types of photos.”



The different color of pink used on this image fulfills the repetition requirement. The flower naturally has pinkish purple on it’s leaf, by using same color of the flower on different part of the makes everything be unified.


Although the image has short text the important thing is the proximity used. We can see the texts are not scattered on separate  corners but are placed together on the top right corner.


An interesting quote from The non-designer’s book states “Nothing should be placed on the page arbitrarily. Every item should have a visual connection with something else on the page.” The content on the image is align correctly where the flower is placed by the left side and the text is on the top right corner.


Contrast is created in by using the right color for the background, flower and text. The flower on the image has different colors that illuminate beauty, has some light shading and little dark to bring out the uniqueness of the image.  Also the choice of using black on the text makes it easy to read. I think using other color as the text might make the reading hard and it might dull the message of the picture.


The color combination is brilliant. It makes the image clean and clear


In general the creator used good technique on this work. We can see repetition, contrast, alignment, color and proximity used properly.